I was high on energy, but my mind was not clean. I had taken on other peoples’ thoughts, and had no purpose in life, so my energy was reflective of that, through my behaviour, which was erratic and frantic, not being normal. I am glad it was picked up, but I have realised I have found out who I am through myself and a self reflecting journey on my entire life to date, retrospectively.
I know my whole life from A to Z, understanding my thought processes, letting limiting beliefs go and creating new serving beliefs; now I can see where I am going too. I finally have meaning in my life, something I never had before.
Someone once told me, “I am not good enough”, “I am undeserving”, “I am unworthy”, “I am not smart”, and so on. I did believe it once, but I have now realised that I am as smart as I believe myself to be and I have now removed these limiting beliefs from my mind. I have done this through affirming to myself every single day the opposite, “I am enough”, I am deserving”, “I am worthy”, “I am smart” and many more serving beliefs.
Whatever you believe yourself to be, you are it. What are you really believing about yourself?